Taught over 1,000 students across multiple universities, equipping them with practical skills and knowledge in sustainability, leadership, and corporate governance.
Delivered 17 courses across 8 universities with a variety of delivery styles including engaging lectures and workshops, combining real-world experience with academic rigor.
Received an average evaluation rating of 4.8 (out of 5) high ratings from students and peers.
We offer expertise in teaching and lecturing across a range of subjects, bringing practical insights and academic excellence to the following areas.
This subject examines the dynamics of leadership in today’s evolving business landscape, including how people and culture shape organisational success, focusing on leadership theories, practices, and the importance of diversity and inclusion.
This subject examines the principles of good governance, ethical decision-making, and the integration of sustainability into business practices.
This subject examines the frameworks, policies, and practices that underpin effective corporate governance and covers topics such as board structures, shareholder rights, executive compensation, and the importance of transparency and accountability.
Focusing on how sustainability is measured, reported, and integrated into financial decision-making, we help students understand the significance of sustainability accounting in achieving business goals while addressing environmental and social challenges.
This subject provides an overview of sustainability concepts and their application in business.
This subject examines the practical application of sustainability in business operations including sustainable supply chains, responsible marketing, sustainable finance, and the implementation of sustainability strategies.
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